Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area

The National Transport Authority (NTA) has prepared an updated Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area based on your feedback earlier this year. This strategy sets out the framework for investment in transport infrastructure and services over the next two decades to 2042.

The next stage of our process is to ask you the public to get involved once again and have your say on our plans. The Strategy sets out the transport schemes and measures needed to tackle climate change; to reduce the impact of congestion; to deliver a safe and attractive cycling environment; and to develop sustainable communities across the city and region.

The draft transport strategy is available to download below along with an executive summary, statutory documents and supporting documents. We are seeking your input on it. To make a submission on the consultation portal click on the “Public Consultation” section below. The closing date for the consultation is Monday 10th of January 2022.

Tell us what you think of the draft transport strategy by making a submission on the consultation portal today.
Make a Submission