Strategic Planning

The National Transport Authority (NTA) has a wide range of roles when it comes to transport planning and policy development.

Our Aim: ‘To contribute to economic, social and cultural progress by providing for the efficient, effective and sustainable movement of people and goods.’

The Strategic Planning Section has responsibility for the development and delivery of strategic transport plans undertaken by the NTA.

Within the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), the NTA has a statutory role in relation to planning under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), to ensure that new Local Area Plans and County Development Plans are in line with the overall NTA Transport Strategy.

The NTA also has a statutory planning role, nationally, in relation to the development of Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies, which must demonstrate consistency with the policies of the NTA in relation to the effective integration of transport and land use planning.

In addition to delivering these core functions of the NTA, the Strategic Planning Section also provides the following services:

  • Monitor and review land use development across the GDA, submitting formal observations of large scale developments to ensure consistency with the NTA Transport Strategy.
  • Work with Local Authorities on large scale planning developments, including Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) schemes.
  • Work with Government Departments and State Agencies to ensure the function and role of the NTA are fully integrated into a coordinated and consistent approach to the delivery of integrated transport.
  • Work to provide data analysis, planning advise and policy guidance to compliment and improve the delivery of integrated transport and land use in the GDA and nationally.