Consultation on Draft Transport Strategy 2016-2035 for the Greater Dublin Area and associated Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment

Consultation on Draft Transport Strategy 2016-2035 for the Greater Dublin Area and associated Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment

The National Transport Authority (the “Authority”) invites written submissions or observations on the Draft Transport Strategy 2016 – 2035 for the Greater Dublin Area (the “draft Strategy”), which has been prepared by the Authority in accordance with Section 12 of the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008.

In compliance with Article 9(1) of SI 435 of 2004, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the draft Strategy is being carried out. A draft Environmental Report has been prepared which assesses, at a strategic level, the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the draft Strategy.

In compliance with EU Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, commonly known as the Habitats Directive, an Appropriate Assessment is also being carried out and a Natura Impact Statement has been prepared to determine if the draft Strategy will impact on the integrity and conservation objectives of relevant Natura 2000 sites.


Environmental Documents

Background Technical Reports

The background Technical Reports can be downloaded here.

If you are having trouble downloading the files for this consultation they are also available to download from Dropbox at this link.

Written submissions and observations may be made by:

Email to:

By post
Transport Strategy Consultation,
National Transport Authority,
Dún Scéine,
Iveagh Court,
Harcourt Lane,
Dublin 2,
D02 WT20.

All submissions and observations received within the timeframe set out above will be taken into consideration before the finalisation of the Strategy.

All submissions must include the full name and address of the person making the submission and where relevant the name of the body or organisation represented. Please note that submissions are subject to Freedom of Information Act. Submissions may be published on this website.

Closing date for all submissions in relation to all the relevant and supporting documents is Friday 13th November 2015 at 5pm.

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