Online Public Consultation on Statement of Strategy 2023 to 2025

The National Transport Authority invites written submissions regarding the development of its new Statement of Strategy for the period 2023 to 2025.

Given the upheavals experienced as a result of the Covid pandemic, the Authority intends producing rolling three-year strategic plans from this point onwards. This shorter timeframe is to enable the Authority to react quickly to unforeseen challenges and/or opportunities of the future, to meet new expectations and to continue to embrace new ways of working.


In engaging with this consultation process, the Authority welcomes your views as to how it is performing in relation to the delivery of its key functions. Your feedback is important as it will directly inform the development of the new Statement of Strategy which will come before the Board of the Authority for adoption later this year.

Submissions can be made on the Online Public Consultation regarding the development of a new Statement of Strategy for the National Transport Authority Homepage

This consultation is open until Friday 17th June.

Note: Please contact us at if you require alternative formats of the above documentation or wish to enquire about alternative ways to make your submission.

Thank you for your participation and time.