Workflow for IGs Review and Templates for IGs Deliverables

The Infrastructure Guidelines

All Irish public bodies are obliged to treat public funds with care. They must ensure that the best possible value for money is obtained whenever public money is being spent or invested.

The Infrastructure Guidelines (IGs) set out the value for money guidelines for the evaluation, planning, and management of public investment projects, including purchase or acquisitions of assets or shareholdings, in Ireland. The arrangements set out in the IGs apply to all public bodies and all bodies in receipt of Exchequer capital funding.

The IGs were published in December 2023 and replace the Public Spending Code (PSC).  The requirements of the IGs apply to all new public investment proposals from 1 January 2024 onwards. For public investment proposals which are already progressing through the project expenditure lifecycle, Sponsoring Agencies and Approving Authorities should ensure that these comply with the requirements in the updated guidance as they move forward and, in particular, as they reach the next relevant Approval Gate (AG), or in special circumstances when it is agreed with the NTA as Approving Authority.

To aid the adoption of the IGs the NTA has developed the Infrastructure Guidelines Summary Bulletin which captures the main changes from the PSC to IGs and summaries the stages project sponsors should follow throughout the lifecycle of a transport project.

The Transport Appraisal Framework (TAF) was introduced on 13th June 2023 and it replaces the Common Appraisal Framework (CAF). The TAF builds on the relevant guidance on evaluating, planning and managing public investment – contained in the IGs – by providing appraisal and implementation guidance specific to the transport sector.

All projects having capital costs over €20M are subject to the review process by the NTA and are required to obtain approval to proceed to the next Approval Gate.

The NTA has developed templates which may be used in the development of Infrastructure Guideline deliverables for Projects Band 2 (€5.0 million to €20 million), and Band 3 (greater than €20.0 million).
IGs deliverables submitted to the NTA for approval should not be longer than 60 pages in length (excluding appendices).

Click to download a template

Click to download Proposal initiation Project/Programme Outline Document

Required only for the proposal with an estimated potential cost of €15 million or more

Click to download a template

The Infrastructure Guidelines - Approval Gate 1 - Longlist Assessment Report & Preliminary Business Case

* Longlist Assessment Report is required only for the proposal with an estimated cost of over €200m (major project)

Click to download a templateThe Infrastructure Guidelines - Approval Gate 2 - Detailed Business Case, Project Execution Plan and Procurement Strategy

Click to download a template

The Infrastructure Guidelines - Approval Gate 3- Final Business Case

Transport Appraisal Framework

Transport Appraisal Framework provides appraisal and implementation guidance. TAF guidance builds upon the guidance available in the IGs as well as previous iterations of transport sector-specific guidance.

The TAF replaces the Common Appraisal Framework (CAF).  To aid the adoption of the TAF, the NTA has developed the TAF Summary Bulletin, which captures the main changes from the CAF to TAF and summaries the stages project sponsors should follow throughout the lifecycle of a transport project.

Project Approval Guideline

Project Approval Guideline sets out a consistent and transparent approach across projects undertaken by agencies in receipt of NTA funding. The NTA will appraise the deliverables at the Gateway and the NTA Gateways align with the IGs Approval Gates.

Transport Appraisal Framework – Transport Project Lifecycle

Transport Appraisal Framework - Transport Project Lifecycle



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- 75 KB

PBC Template v2.1 IG adoption

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- 88 KB

DBC Template IG adoption DRAFT

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- 74 KB

FBC Template v2.1 IG adoption

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- 75 KB

New TAF - NTA summary bulletin Final

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- 285 KB