
Publications by Category

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Showing 11 - 20 of 220 publications

Bus Éireann Waterford City Performance Reports

2022 - 2023

Tags: Performance Reports/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Statistics

Date of Publication: 6 June 2024

Route 197 Swords to Ashbourne Quarterly Performance Reports

2022 - 2023

Tags: Performance Reports/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 6 June 2024

Go-Ahead Ireland Outer Dublin Metropolitan Area (ODMA) Performance Reports

2022 - 2023

Tags: Performance Reports/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 6 June 2024

Go-Ahead Ireland Dublin Commuter Outer Metropolitan DCOM Reports

2022 - 2023

Tags: Performance Reports/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 6 June 2024

Dublin Bus Performance Reports

2022 - 2023

Tags: Performance Reports/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 6 June 2024

Infrastructure Equality Guidance


Tags: Active Travel/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 30 May 2024

Connecting Ireland Quarterly Bulletins 2024


Tags: Connecting Ireland/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 25 April 2024

Route 706 Public Service Obligation (PSO) Determination

Tags: Connecting Ireland/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 24 April 2024

Planning Cities and Towns for Successful Bus Services

2023 - 2024

Tags: Strategic planning/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 15 April 2024

National Household Travel Survey 2022


Tags: Commercial Bus Services Licensing/Performance Reports/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Public Transport Operator Contracts/Statistics

Date of Publication: 25 March 2024