
Publications by Category

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Showing 21 - 30 of 220 publications

Project Approval Guidelines 2024


Tags: Capital Projects/Corporate and Finance/Corporate Publications/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 25 March 2024

NTA Security Report 2023


Tags: Annual reports/Corporate and Finance

Date of Publication: 15 March 2024

Walking and Cycling Index 2023 – Publication reports


Tags: Active Travel/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 5 March 2024

Connecting Ireland Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 3, 4 and 5


Tags: Connecting Ireland/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 4 March 2024

NTA Cost Management Guidelines (Updated 2024) & NTA Inflation Bulletin

2020 - 2024

Tags: Active Travel/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 23 February 2024

Purchase orders over €20,000 2023


Tags: Corporate and Finance/Finance & Payments

Date of Publication: 15 February 2024

TFI Customer Satisfaction Report 2023


Tags: Performance Reports/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 14 February 2024

Active Travel Investment Grants: 2024 Allocations


Tags: Active Travel/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 7 February 2024

NTA Fares Determination 2024

2023 - 2024

Tags: Fares/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 24 January 2024

PSO Bus & Rail Statistics Bulletins 2012 – 2022

2012, 2014 - 2022

Tags: Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Statistics

Date of Publication: 12 January 2024