Workplace Partners

TFI Smarter Travel is working with a range of large Partner organisations, in both the public and private sector, to develop and implement Workplace Travel Plans. You can view a list of our current programme partners at the bottom of this page.

To become a Partner and avail of programme resources free of charge, organisations sign a Charter showing their commitment to workplace travel planning by:

  • Surveying employees on their commuting habits;
  • Encouraging employees to use more sustainable transport;
  • Developing and implementing an action plan of sustainable travel initiatives;
  • Supporting personnel to implement the action plan;
  • Dedicating financial and non-financial resources to supporting initiatives and
  • Monitoring the performance of the action plan.

Your organisation will be assigned a designated Smarter Travel Consultant who will assist and support you with all the steps above.

For more information on the Partner Package, visit TFI Smarter Travel – Partner Package.



Citi logo
Clare County Council logo
Clare County Council logo
Clayton Hotel logo
Clearstream logo
Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates logo
ClĂșid Housing logo
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission logo
Connolly Hospital logo
Cook Medical logo
Cork City Council logo
Cork College of Further Education and Training – Tramore Road Campus logo
Cork County Council logo
Cork ETB: Morrison’s Island Campus logo
Cork University Hospital logo
Cork University Maternity Hospital logo
Croke Park logo
DBFL Consulting Engineers logo
Dell logo
Deloitte logo
Department of Agriculture, Food & Marine logo
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth logo
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment logo
Department of Finance logo
Department of Foreign Affairs logo
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage logo
Department of Justice logo
Department of Public Expenditure NPD Delivery and Reform logo
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications logo
Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media logo
Department of Transport logo
Dublin Airport Authority logo
Dublin Bus logo
Dublin City Council logo
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council logo
Eastpoint Business Park logo