Tips for Keeping Your Vehicle Clean

20 November 2023

Tips for Keeping Your Vehicle Clean

All SPSV operators are required to keep their vehicle clean to maintain a high standard of service for customers. The seats must be properly upholstered, clean and in a hygienic condition. The exterior paint must be consistent and the vehicle must not have paint or bodywork repairs in progress. Operating a vehicle which is dirty or in disrepair may result in customer complaints and could lead to a Fixed Payment Notice (“fine”) being issued.

Here are some checks you should carry out on your vehicle before operating:

• Interior and exterior of the vehicle shall be clean and of tidy condition and appearance at all times
• Trim material shall not be split, torn, unsecured, dirty, stained or sagging
• Seat fabrics shall be original equipment manufacturer quality cloth upholstery or leather retrims or equivalent quality
• Windows shall be clean

Here are some additional tips for keeping your vehicle clean during cold and flu season:

• Regularly disinfect surfaces, such as card payment devices, steering wheels, gear stick, handbrake, door handles, seats and the backs of seats and headrests – Pay close attention to all surfaces that are touched often by passengers.
• Wash hands frequently with soap and water (you can keep a bottle of water, soap and towels in your vehicle) or use a sanitizer gel if you have it – refer to the HSE handwashing guidelines.
• Do not touch your face.
• Carry a box of tissues and use tissues to catch coughs and sneezes. Dispose of used tissues in the bin as soon as possible

SPSV operators are also advised to keep up to date with HSE guidelines during the cold and flu season. Visit the HSE website for more information.
Further information on vehicle cleanliness and condition can be found in the inspections manuals which can be found here.