Showing 441 - 450 of 417 articles
Compliance Activities in October 2014
During October a total of 9 unlicensed operators were detected in different areas of the country. These comprised: • 3 unlicensed operators detected in Louth, • 2 unlicensed operators detected in Dublin, • 2 unlicensed operators detected in Limerick, • 1 unlicensed operator detected in Cork and • 1 unlicensed operator detected in Donegal. Compliance...
Closing Dates – Wheelchair accessible vehicle grant scheme 2014
Closing date for Applications 28 November 2014 Closing date for the Scheme 24 December 2014 July 2014 saw the start of a grant scheme for the purchase of or conversion to wheelchair accessible vehicles. Grants range from €10,000 for a new vehicle to €3,000 for a five year old vehicle. By 1 November, we had...
Public Consultation on Taxi Fares and Regulations
Pursuant to section 24 of the Taxi Regulation Act 2013, the National Transport Authority proposes to make a new maximum fares order, to replace the current maximum fares order, detailing the maximum fare that may be charged by a driver of a taxi. A review of national taxi fares has been undertaken to date on...
SPSV Compliance Activities in September 2014
During September a total of 2 unlicensed operators were detected in different areas of the country. These comprised: 1 unlicensed operator detected in Dublin; 1 unlicensed operator detected in Clare. Compliance officers recorded 2615 formal checks of small public service vehicles during the month. As well as the detections of unlicensed operators, 154 Fixed...
SPSV Compliance Activities in August 2014
During August a total of 8 unlicensed operators were detected in different areas of the country. These comprised: • 7 unlicensed operators detected in Dublin; • 1 unlicensed operator detected in Clare. The were no court sittings during the month of August. In September, there are 18 cases due for trial, for a variety...
Maximum Fares Review 2014
The first national maximum taxi fare was introduced in 2006. Since then a two year cycle of fare reviews has been undertaken. Reviews took place in 2008 (8.3% increase in the maximum taxi fares), in 2010 and in 2012, neither resulted in a change to the fare levels. As two years has elapsed since the...
SPSV Industry Newsletter Issue 26 – August 2014
A new edition of the SPSV Newsletter is now available. Please click on the below link to read it. SPSV Newsletter Issue 26 -August 2014
SPSV Compliance Activities in July 2014
During July a total of 9 unlicensed operators were detected in different areas of the country. These comprised: 2 unlicensed operators detected in Dublin; 2 unlicensed operators detected in Clare; 3 unlicensed operators detected in Cork; 2 unlicensed operator detected in Kerry. In total during the month of July, 2,676 checks of small public...
Taxi Sharing
As you know a taxi may not stand for hire at a bus stop. Remember, however, that a taxi may be hailed by a person standing at a bus stop (the principal hirer) and several parties may share it. Only with the full consent of the principal hirer may a taxi driver invite or allow...