Cork metropolitan area transport strategy

The Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (CMATS) 2040 has been developed by the National Transport Authority (NTA) in collaboration with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), Cork City Council and Cork County Council.

The Cork Metropolitan Area (CMA) is in the midst of an exciting phase of development. The recently-published National Planning Framework (NPF) 2040 anticipates that Cork will become the fastest-growing city region in Ireland with a projected 50% to 60% increase of its population by 2040.

This projected population and associated economic growth will result in a significant increase in the demand for travel.
This demand needs to be managed and planned for carefully in order to safeguard and enhance Cork’s attractiveness to live, work, visit and invest in.

A key principle for CMATS is to reduce dependency on the private car within the CMA, while increasing the appeal of sustainable transport options. Another fundamental principle of the Strategy is to support the future growth of the
CMA through the supply of an efficient transport network. Supporting measures have an important role to play in providing a future transport network that matches up to these principles.

The full benefits of the significant investment that will be delivered under CMATS cannot be achieved through the provision of infrastructure alone, and must be combined with the implementation of measures that support best use of that infrastructure.
