DART+ Programme Preliminary Business Case
The preparation of a Business Case
To ensure that public investment delivers value for money, the Public Spending Code sets out requirements for the evaluation, planning and management of public investment. The preparation of a Business Case is a key element of meeting these requirements. The Public Spending Codes requires that both the Preliminary Business Case and Final Business Case for public investment projects are published.
The Approving Authority
Under the Public Spending Code for Public Transport Capital Projects the NTA are Approving Authority. Where project proposals are in excess of an estimated capital cost of €100 million, the Government is the Approving Authority for key decision gates with NTA performing the day-to-day role of the Approving Authority.
The DART+ Programme Preliminary Business Case prepared by Iarnród Éireann was approved by the NTA Board for submission to the Department of Transport (DoT) and onwards submission to Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) for review. An independent review was undertaken by JASPERS as part of the DoT and DPER process.
Approval in Principle
In December 2021, the Government granted Approval in Principle to the NTA to enable the submission by CIÉ / Iarnród Éireann of a Railway Order application to An Bord Pleanála for the DART+ West element of the programme (Decision Gate 1). In addition, approval was given for Iarnród Éireann to award a framework and place an initial order for new DART fleet (Decision Gate 3).
The DART+ Southwest and DART+ Coastal elements of the overall DART+ Programme will be subject to separate approvals by Government and the Preliminary Business Case will be updated at the time of seeking those approvals.
Find the Links and Downloads below:
Documents: (PDF)
- DART+ Programme Preliminary Business Case
- JASPERS Independent Technical Assessment (DART+ JASPERS Guidance Notes)
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